Truth Tellers Blog

The Voice of True & Faithful Moorish American Moslem's who are NOT afraid to Speak the TRUTH!

Archive for the tag “Islam”

Islam Meeting The Need of Its People

We had a young Sister in need of help she first went to a city Shelter that was (is) operating under a Christian Church; the young Sister was told that she must attend prayer services before she could be given food and a place to sleep. She explain to those who in charged that she is a Moslem that her faith is Islam. They then told her that it is required that anyone seeking food and or shelter MUST attend a prayer services. The Sister then ask to speak to the director to make her plea; the director informed her that if she is a Moslem and her faith is Islam then it would be best she go to an Islamic shelter to seek help.

The Sister then called The Moorish Science Temple of America-1928; as we not only fed the Sister but seen that she had a place to live which she can then set her plans in motion to get established.

When we help anyone, we can never place upon s/he to attend our religious Services for it would have to be a conscious decision on the person to attend services. There is no compulsion to take up the faith of Islam; this is not forced on anyone seeking help i.e. food and shelter. There is a great need that we provided help to the less fortunate; their should be Islamic shelters in every major city if there is a Mosque or Islamic Temple in a city or township there should be a place where Muslims/Moslems can receives help.

Now this would also bring to mind why should there be such a need for Islamic homeless shelters if the Islamic (Ummah’s) Communities are looking after the wellbeing for its followers. It would seem that any Mosque or Islamic Temple would meet the needs of the less fortunate within the faith of Islam; as we know all to well this is not the case. In many Mosque across the country (here in America) racism and prejudice runs deep; within these Mosques you have clicks such as you will have in just one Mosques a group of Arabs which keep to themselves seldom do they interact with anyone outside of their race.
 Then you have the Pakistan and the Bosnian along with varies African tribes to which they all keep close to their own ethnic group. They all keep within their own little ethnic social circle being under one Mosque all giving salat to the One Creator Allah. However, we see often the so-called African –American quickly and openly wanting to be so much accepted and liken to the Arabs to the point we can see them take up their customs and tradition of the Arabs and call it being and living Islam. Much of the customs and traditions of Arabs have been propagated as being Islam and if you do not follow their way then you are classified as a non-believer.       

 Islam embraces all cultures and costumes it does not take one over the over as being supreme or make one group a dictator of another. Islam comes to remove the ills of a society while maintaining its rich culture and traditions. Allah made us into Tribes and Nations that we recognized one other, and that our understanding there is but One Allah; which that alone should bring us together as one.

In all truth, it should not be anyone within the faith of Islam seeking shelter and food from another house of worship. Every Islamic Temple and Mosque should meet the need of its people.    

You can make a difference and take part in Uplifting Fallen humanity..go to and read about the works that is being done to help others.

Meeting of The Masters Minds

Meeting of The Masters Minds

Build, Build, Build!!!

Build, Build, Build!!!

You Change KEY 20 ? You’re Calling Prophet Drew Ali A Liar!

We will always defend who we are and what we are about; as some Moorish American has lost the very concept of TRUTH! How can someone who has brought shame and disappointed to the Movement by giving the faint of heart some eye and ear candy take what Prophet Drew Ali brought and taught and rip it up, NO! respect in holding firm and steadfast  to what The Moorish Science Temple of America was established for. To have NO! love to what has already been determined as what we as Moorish Americans are to learn, live and love according to what our Holy and Divine Prophet Drew Ali brought and taught. How butt-backwards can a group of people get when the TRUTH is slap dead in their face.

Let us take Our Flag The Moorish Flag which is the Red Flag with a 5 pointed Green Start in The Center. Now what in the hell was misunderstood about that! How can anyone calling themselves Moorish Americans fall for a Liar, Crook, Drug Dealer and Pimp while they was an officer within The Moorish Science Temple of America Inc. under R. Love-El , which is on the record not hearsay. How is it that they can come and replace the Truth with something made up because due to their Iblis nature in NOT! wanting  to submit before Allah. Being exposed of their ungodly nature by 2 different Grand Bodies of The Moorish Science Temple of America Inc.  put out of both , removal of membership as by the Prophet words “returning to the state where he found you” it was stated by this Iblis natured one that his hordes of followers are growing across the country. To a true follower of Allah we know that the weak will gather in hopes to take down the strong.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Over the years we have received countless of questions all with much variation of ideas and conception as it relates to the Moorish Science Temple of America and the life, works and teachings of Prophet Drew Ali. It would be seemly unfair in giving a yes or no answer to questions that should be followed up with a full truthful explanation with fortified references. So in lieu of giving a set of standard questions with answers we are presenting our blog so that you can place your questions in as we will email you back a response. Ultimately as we rather you visit one of our Temples so you can see and hear truth or even give us a call. Much of what you find on the Internet about The Moorish Science Temple of America and its founded Prophet Drew Ali is of great untruth and grossly misrepresented to which has marginalize the importance along with the great contributions of the Movement. We however place a few questions and answers to give light to a great misunderstanding of Prophet Drew Ali and his teachings.

1.Can I gain my Moorish Nationality without joining a MSTA TEMPLE? NO!!.. Contact us and we will explain why this is not so.

2. What is the cost of a Moorish Nationality? Nationality is FREE all over the world. Once you become an active Member you are to see to the growth and development of your religious Community; this is done by members paying dues. See Membership.

3. Do I have to become a Moslem and take on Islam as my faith to be a Moorish American? YES!! A Moorish American religion is Islamism; Our Prophet Drew Ali gave us Key .1 Who made You? Ans. Allah! Prophet Drew Ali brought us back to the concussions of knowing where we come from. Read more…

Our religion gave birth to History

For every day that is granted to us for it is not our will to awake in the morning by solely by the will of Allah. We should look at everyday as another day extend to us to get this, our life Right!.

What will be scribe down on the pages of remembers under your name? What can you say you have done or doing to not only make a great significance difference in your life but those who are around you that are watching you as a measure to guide themselves. That is why it is so important for us to be cognizant about our conduct; simply put you never know whose watching you on the sidelines as in cheering you on for the win, or booing you to fail. Just simply giving a mean demo in your expression of Islam or about the knowledge you gather to gather in giving yourself understanding is just ear candy if your lip services if it’s not a reflection of your life dedicated to your faith of Islam in assisting in the  uplifting of humanity . Read more…

Asiatics Are Still Slaves To Wrong Thinking

 There was a letter sent to me over the Internet many years ago by a fellow writer that was written by a European on his way to work who said, “Blacks Don’t Read.”  She read his letter over a radio station that she worked at. Then I came across an old saying posted in a paper some years later, “If you want to keep information from Blacks put it in a book because they don’t read.”  After reading this posting again I formulated my own thoughts on the matter of “Blacks Don’t Read” because it goes deeper then just not reading a book. I have found that when Europeans make statements like this they are not just picking it up out of the air; they have done some deep and serious studying on the matter. Europeans like to investigate and find out what makes things function and why. Since the Negro/Black man is a product of their creator they want to know everything about the thing that they’ve created. Read more…

Hypocrites and Hostages

2. The tongue of the sincere is rooted in heart; hypocrisy and deceit have no place in his words. (Chp. XXXIV in The HKMSTA)

In this day and age of awareness of the God in Man degree, amongst those who truly strive for righteousness, you’ll find amongst them hidden in the corners the whisperers and backbiters. This is referred to in the Noble Quran of Mecca as flesh-eating. Now among this crowd is an even more, vile enemy. He is called the Hypocrite. Read more…

Sisters,Mothers,Daughters Or Others

Islam to My Sisters of Faith!

We sisters come from various backgrounds. However, we have a common beginning. We were created women. When we were created, there were laws instituted by our creator to govern our lives. Some of us were fortunate enough to have had mothers to teach us as many of the laws that govern women as they knew, remembered, or had been taught themselves. All of us grew up to take on the physical attributes of womanhood, but not all of us were taught the laws of our nature. The Prophet came to redeem fallen humanity, which is symbolized by woman. Read more…


FREE.  Not subject to legal constraint of another. Having the power to follow the dictates of one’s own will. Not subject to the dominion of another.

NATIONAL.  Pertaining or relating to a nation as a whole, commonly applied in American Law to institutions, laws or affairs of the United States or its government, as opposed to the several states.

STANDARD.  A type, model, or combination of elements accepted as correct or perfect.

Free National Standards, therefore, can be defined as a set of elements of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for a specific political community/jural society/nation/state, that are not subject to the legal constraint, nor subject to the dominion of another political community/jural society/nation/state. Read more…

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