Truth Tellers Blog

The Voice of True & Faithful Moorish American Moslem's who are NOT afraid to Speak the TRUTH!

Archive for the month “August, 2012”



The Moorish Science Temple of America-1928 Islamic Society extends our deepest and most sincere condolences to our Sikh brothers and sisters here in Metro Atlanta and throughout the nation.

It was nothing but pure hatred that invaded the holiness and ended the lives of your loved ones in such a horrific way within your place of worship. The ether’s vibrated in a dreadful cry that has touched the hearts and souls of many who embrace the serenity of faith; in being able to express it without concerns of harm to disrupt in such a violent way. We stand with you.

May the Creator of us all sustain you, protect you, uplift you, and ease your hearts of the pain and loss that was placed before. As we being a community of strong faith in sincere dedication of services to our Creator; we join you in the great works of rejecting hate, transforming fear, eradicating ignorance, and embracing humanity by educating, informing and uplifting. May you all be eased of your pain and placed in total Peace.

Peace & Love

The Moorish Science Temple of America-1928

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