Truth Tellers Blog

The Voice of True & Faithful Moorish American Moslem's who are NOT afraid to Speak the TRUTH!

Archive for the tag “Questions”

Frequently Asked Questions

Over the years we have received countless of questions all with much variation of ideas and conception as it relates to the Moorish Science Temple of America and the life, works and teachings of Prophet Drew Ali. It would be seemly unfair in giving a yes or no answer to questions that should be followed up with a full truthful explanation with fortified references. So in lieu of giving a set of standard questions with answers we are presenting our blog so that you can place your questions in as we will email you back a response. Ultimately as we rather you visit one of our Temples so you can see and hear truth or even give us a call. Much of what you find on the Internet about The Moorish Science Temple of America and its founded Prophet Drew Ali is of great untruth and grossly misrepresented to which has marginalize the importance along with the great contributions of the Movement. We however place a few questions and answers to give light to a great misunderstanding of Prophet Drew Ali and his teachings.

1.Can I gain my Moorish Nationality without joining a MSTA TEMPLE? NO!!.. Contact us and we will explain why this is not so.

2. What is the cost of a Moorish Nationality? Nationality is FREE all over the world. Once you become an active Member you are to see to the growth and development of your religious Community; this is done by members paying dues. See Membership.

3. Do I have to become a Moslem and take on Islam as my faith to be a Moorish American? YES!! A Moorish American religion is Islamism; Our Prophet Drew Ali gave us Key .1 Who made You? Ans. Allah! Prophet Drew Ali brought us back to the concussions of knowing where we come from. Read more…

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